Flannel on Flannel with Daniel

Film Addicts Anonymous - naked (1993)

May 25, 2023 Daniel Stephen Stanfield Productions
Film Addicts Anonymous - naked (1993)
Flannel on Flannel with Daniel
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Flannel on Flannel with Daniel
Film Addicts Anonymous - naked (1993)
May 25, 2023
Daniel Stephen Stanfield Productions

YES, we watched this film for you!
YES, this movie is a Criterion Collection film!
YES, this film is creative!
YESSSSS, this film has a trigger warning of excessive sexual content caused by toxic masculinity and force. Please be prepared if you watch this film.

Daniel, Jack, and Josh watch, naked (1993), a Criterion Collection-blessed film that includes some of the most horrific scenes in the business... but, don't forget about the creative side.


Daniel Stephen Stanfield Productions


Show Notes

YES, we watched this film for you!
YES, this movie is a Criterion Collection film!
YES, this film is creative!
YESSSSS, this film has a trigger warning of excessive sexual content caused by toxic masculinity and force. Please be prepared if you watch this film.

Daniel, Jack, and Josh watch, naked (1993), a Criterion Collection-blessed film that includes some of the most horrific scenes in the business... but, don't forget about the creative side.


Daniel Stephen Stanfield Productions
